…the State Dept., that fed you lies about betrayed Americans in Benghazi…
…the IRS, that lied about unlawful targeting of conservative groups…
…the Labor Dept., that continues lying about unemployment statistics…
…the Homeland Security Dept., lying about illegal-immigrant deportation numbers…
…the Commerce Dept., that lies about annual economic growth…
…the White House & congressional Democrats, continually lying about Obamacare…
…you must be a Democrat…
…AND a chump. (Minority groups and single women…record unemployment. Low income families…slammed with high food and energy costs. And on…and on…)
Read Victor Davis Hanson’s article on “Untruthful and Untrustworthy Government.”
What Mr. Hanson doesn’t mention is, if the American voter has the will to fight back, the trend towards an untrusting populace can be reversed, albeit slowly and painfully.
The real question is, which way is America headed?
Elections have consequences.
Ironically, those hit hardest by Democrat policies are that Party’s most loyal supporters. If they wake up, the music they’re forced to dance to can be changed. That’s a big IF.
America’s unfinished song can be a dirge…or a symphony.