Protesting…’cuz they have NO GROUNDS to protest…? No worries…lying media has their back

Ask yourself why they’re willing to fall for the hysteria…EVERYTIME?

Witnesses to the March Breonna Taylor shooting event corroborate police testimony.

It wasn’t a no-knock police action; they knocked and identified themselves at the door; they breached the door when no response; they were fired upon by a resident…

…they returned fire – unfortunately killing Breonna Taylor.

A police officer was wounded before they returned fire.

But no doubt MEDIA-driven lies and misreporting will continue.

Begs the question, though: why isn’t the shooter being held to account by the mobs who are so ready to blame cops, yet ignore the fact that the shooter escalated the situation?

Never fails: seems like every police action is considered ‘brutality’ when a black person is on the receiving end…but inevitably it turns out 99.99% of the actions were justified.

Can’t let that stop a useful riot and black outrage, though…especially just before there’s a presidential election where the Democrats seem to be hemorrhaging black support.

Cue the unjustified protests and rioting…anything to stoke anti-Trump sentiment.

Bottom-line: annually, you can count unjustified police killings of black victims on fingers of ONE hand…but THOUSANDS are killed annually in Big City black-on-black violence.

But, yeah…yeah…police brutality – that’s the ticket. 

So, we’ve got dishonest media and useful idiots…both deserving a prize for loathsome, but considering that an honest media reporting FACTS up-front could calm the waters…

…the Grand Prize for VILE simply must be awarded to…LIBedia.

Hands Down – the very real, dangerous ENEMY of the American people.

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