A Thanksgiving message…and a few questions to consider…

BlueCollar extends a wish for all to have a Happy Thanksgiving.

And, poses a few questions to ponder, during the haze of after-dinner bliss…

Reading yet one more article slapping Republicans for lousy messaging when it comes to the support of Conservatism… or the dangers of Liberalism… a dichotomy emerges.

Is the GOP’s truthful message that bad…or are the Democrats’ lies that good?

First, with hardships of Obamacare hitting many Americans already, it’s extremely ironic to believe a senior writer – complaining about GOP messaging – would title an article “Be Thankful For…Obamacare”. Maybe this sums up why GOP messaging fails?

Then there’s the Conservative message, which centers on personal responsibility. The Democrat message is all about ‘letting the gov’t do that for you’. Many buy that hope.

And don’t forget the forces arrayed against Conservatives, which include the media.

False hopes + non-accountability + mainstream media allies = a steep GOP climb…

The tide is turning…Obama’s lies have caught up to him…Americans are awakening.

This Thanksgiving, if you take a moment from family to think politics, would it be too much to include a silent prayer, that voters will finally rebel against Democrat lies?

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