“If it’s not close, they can’t cheat”…revisited

Hugh Hewitt wrote the book in 2004, explaining how the only way Democrats can cheat in our election cycles is if they can keep the vote close enough to make it possible.

So, when you see a headline like this…“Obama appointed judge rules against Ga. Gov. Kemp over 2018 voter registration cleanup”…you’ll understand the dynamic.

Think about it: just like with voter ID, there’s NO good argument against cleaning up voter registration roles to get the dead (or deadbeats) off charts. After all, if a legitimate voter finds they’re not registered, they can still vote…their ballot just gets validated.

Dead people and non-voters, on the other hand, don’t care.

We repeat for clarity…

there’s NO good argument against cleaning up voter registration roles.

There’s only one reason for arguing against logical efforts to keep voting honest…

…they intend to use DISHONESTY to win.

Sadly, we expect to see many more headlines like the above before this November.

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