Is ‘collusion’ to be under every rock Democrats overturn between now and Nov 2020?

Think about this.

A President’s job is to work with foreign leaders, which (for Democrats) promises…

…collusion, around every corner: the vast Left-wing conspiracy can have the President colluding with ANY nation he talks to between now and the November 2020 election.

Regardless of what his discussions cover with those nations.

FakeNews is ready and willing to trumpet that message for Democrats every day.

Every nation a Democrat has done underhanded business with in the past will become a possible collusion-wedge for them going forward. Today, it’s Ukraine and Russia.

Tomorrow, China, etc.

Democrats collude & extort, then demand Trump be investigated for collusion, extortion.

Prediction: this will not stop.

How is it any different from selling Uranium interests to Russia (Hillary & Obama), using the Ukrainians to peddle disinformation about then-candidate Trump, or influence-peddling to China (Biden and Feinstein)? No sweat…just turn it into a Trump problem.

Solution? The President should lay out the law, lay out the evidence…

…and start INDICTING.

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