1.3bn data-points review shows voter ID requirements DON’T hamper voting

Democrats  claim voter ID requirements stop minorities and elderly from voting.

But, as reported in the Washington Times, a new, extensive study shows “…strict voter ID laws have no significant effect on voter turnout, don’t keep interested voters from being able to vote, and for that matter don’t prevent them from registering.”


And it should come as no surprise that Americans still don’t have much confidence in the system even when ID is required, as many states issue ID to illegals anyway.

But don’t conflate a vote of ‘no confidence’ with negative aspects of requiring voter ID, because individual trust in a system is a subjective standard with no measurable basis.

It certainly shouldn’t be used by anti-voter-ID groups as a reason to stop voter ID.

Look at it this way: ID is required to buy cigarettes/liquor, get on an airplane, or enter a gov’t building…even though we’re aware there are ways to game those necessities.

Voter ID is crucial for obvious reasons: voting gives every citizen an important voice in the type of gov’t they want…and ID deters fraudulent votes from negating your vote.

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