‘Gotcha’ deals slipped into House budget bill must be dealt with firmly by the Senate

Parents know their kids bring up last-minute issues for a reason.

Developing a 1200-page House legislative budget ‘deal’ at the last minute can only mean one thing…Democrats snuck in ‘landmines’ with no time to read and catch them.

Senate Republicans better man up, because if they won’t…the President will.

The first government shutdown, despite reports to the contrary, actually worked in the President’s favor – it brought into sharp focus a very real border security problem.

As Pres Trump said a day or so ago, there’s no reason for a shutdown this time and he wants to get budget legislation signed, but rest assured Democrats have mined the bill.

They believe with media behind them they can lie and blame the GOP as responsible for the next shutdown, should one occur as a result of their legislative malfeasance.

There’s no reason for last-minute legislation, and it doesn’t serve the American public well for such deceptive practices to occur…just because one Party pushes an agenda.

Congress should be required to pass budget measures with adequate time for review.

Until common sense strikes, Republicans should get in front of this deceptive chicanery, expose it for what it is in specific terms, and smoke out the deceit in this legislation.

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