The memo is out – can’t wait to hear the Democrat rebuttal

“House memo states disputed dossier was key to FBI’s FISA warrant to surveil members of Team Trump”

The memo charges

  • a Democrat-funded opposition doc was an essential part of the FISA application;
  • relevant information on the target (Carter Page) was excluded from the app;
  • neither the original application or its 3 renewals disclose the Democrats’ role in the funding and creation of the opposition doc forming the basis for the application;
  • the creator of the doc (Steele) was verifiably unreliable and not credible as an FBI source, but was not noted as such in the application;
  • after the FBI fired Steele, they renewed the Steele-based FISA app 3 times;
  • DOJ and FBI signatories and primary actors were notably, provably anti-Trump but not disclosed as potentially biased anywhere in the application;
  • even though used as a basis for the application, the dirt-dossier was in its infancy as to corroboration (and unsubstantiated as of today!) but that went undisclosed;
  • the application “…ignored or concealed (Steele’s) anti-Trump financial, ideological motivations…”
  • “Then-Director James Comey signed three FISA applications in question on behalf of the FBI…Deputy Dir Andrew McCabe signed one. Then-DAG Sally Yates, then-Acting DAG Dana Boente, and DAG Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more of the FISA apps on behalf of DOJ.”

Bottom line? FBI Officials Knew Political Origins of Dossier, But Used It Anyway

Well, if nothing else, we now know who the unknown FBI and DOJ people are who warned against releasing the House memo due to ‘national security’ concerns.

Message to Comey, McCabe, Yates, Boente, Rosenstein: you better lawyer up.

Message to President Trump – fire Rosenstein for cause; replace Mueller with someone who will actively pursue the real criminal and fraudulent acts behind this farce.

Finally, to Democrats who decry a GOP loose-lip policy pertaining to classified data…

considering your role in the Awan Pakistani aide IT scandal, you have no credibility.

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