How is it Democrats are willing to turn American states into Mexico-lite?

One can’t help but wonder how a political Party willingly makes the choice to implode by continuing their insistence that we allow any 3rd-world itinerant to enter America?

Does any Democrat HONESTLY believe chain migration is better for this country than a merit-based system that allows entry to the best and brightest of the world’s migrants?

“With Over 29,000 Homicides, 2017 Was Mexico’s Most Violent Year on Record”

Does anyone think the solution is to turn California into Mexifornia? ‘Cuz, what…Mexico is such a great place to live? Not according to the crime data, folks.

America’s murder/non-negligent manslaughter count was 17,250 in 2016. Population is approx 323 million. Mexico’s population is 127.5 million. Who wants to move to Mexico?


Then why do they want to turn American states into Mexico?

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