Defining courage…and cowardice

3 senior State Department officials who survived Benghazi attacks on Sept 11, 2012 will testify before Congress Wednesday, and it won’t be good for Hillary Clinton & Obama.

Obama’s administration is setting the mood, refusing to affirm their credibility. You can expect the media long knives to come out any minute now, to savage the witnesses.

Media darlings Obama and Clinton will be protected. As the expected onslaught rages, ask yourself…who risks more than career officials, putting their careers on the line?

They survived Benghazi, while Obama and Clinton slept through their ‘3am call’.

Question: where are the heroic military figures who could put the lie to Obama’s claim that ‘everything that could be done was being done’? Isn’t there at least one leader who will step forward and show the same courage as these Benghazi State Dept officials?

Military leaders know assets were immediately available…planes, drones, spec-ops.

They know why assets weren’t deployed, and who denied assistance to Americans in dire need. For them not to come forward over the last 8 months is a cowardly disgrace.

Isn’t there at least one active U. S. Marine commander with the guts to come forward?

How is it bravery can exist when bullets are flying…but not when politicians are lying?

The first priority of government is to protect its citizens. Obama and Clinton violated that priority, and violated the sacred trust their office demands of its holder.

Nixon was relentlessly vilified by the mainstream media for covering up a petty, bungled burglary…not even a hang-nail was suffered. Yet, in Benghazi four Americans died, an Obama-led chorus of lies, deception, and obstruction ensued…and the media yawns?

Americans deserve better.

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