Common sense: tax-cuts benefit everyone…but media won’t say it

Are you happier with more money in your pocket?

Does it provide you with more choices to benefit your life?

Does it put you in a more competitive position to achieve greater goals?

Why does anyone think those same advantages shouldn’t be enjoyed by corporations?

America has one of the highest global corporate tax-rates. It makes American business less competitive globally, with fewer choices to help benefit in the business community.

If we lower corporate taxes, it benefits all: more business sales means more jobs, higher wages, increased competitiveness, better benefits, expanded investments.

Politicians work the class-warfare gig to play on a victim class, and knowing they will do or say anything to get votes goes without saying, but honest media would expose lies…

…and there’s the rub.

Americans should know “Data from 72 countries over 22 years show that countries that RAISE corporate tax rates hurt workers, while countries that LOWER corporate taxes help their workers earn higher wages (bold/capital emphasis added)

An honest media would report that.

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