Alt-Left Haters destroy, with a provably faux outrage

Destroying the statues of Confederate memorials isn’t the answer.

The radical, often unhinged Left is all about destroying this Nation’s history, and it’s their typical reaction to anything they oppose, but there’s a different way to go about this.

Why not add memorials exalting Union sacrifices to emancipate slaves? Arguably, over 300,000 Americans died to end slavery…why go negative with a positive like that?

Over 600,000 Americans died in the Civil War – toppling statues doesn’t solve anything.

And who gets to say where their ‘outrage’ should end? As we noted previously, Europe started the African slave trade; African tribes enslaved their own; Democrats held the south during and after slavery, founded the KKK, passed Jim Crow laws, inflicted Bull Connor intimidation tactics of brutality, and fought against civil rights legislation.

Why stop at toppling a statue?

There’s something strange about an outraged group that supports the Democrat Party which symbolizes all the racism, slavery, lynchings, and brutality THEY memorialized.

If the Left really wants to make a statement in those Southern states with a Confederate heritage, they’ll work for something positive to celebrate our achievements, not failures.

Otherwise, they’re proving themselves as HATERS…

Here’s an idea, for an ‘outraged’ Alt-Left…

…ship those Confederate statues back to the Party that created them.

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