WARNING: it’s existential Friday…

Never professing to be philosophically (or theologically) acute, we can still ask…

…is it Islam, or something bigger that provokes terrorist outrages against humanity?

Linear logic suggests that, whenever religion is held in higher regard than respect for human life, then human life will suffer from that priority. Consider…

Some argue there can be no religion without the existence of the human race, so based on that premise, the human race must be on a higher priority than any religion.

Many see their God as greater than Humanity, and would exist even if Humanity didn’t.

Either way, the problem isn’t where God fits in, but where respect for human life fits in.

And sadly, more often (it seems) with Islam, non-believers are seen as unworthy of life.

And, of course, it always helps to remember more have died at the hands of atheists like Chairman Mao, and Russia’s Lenin, than have died from any one religion.

(Although some might argue that, for those atheists, their God was, simply…Power.)

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