GOP Congress can reconstitute ideologically anti-constitutional federal courts

We said it before, we repeat now…

Our Constitution gives Congress the right to ‘constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court’...they can effectively eliminate ideological anti-constitutionalists.

(Art. 1, section 8, subsection 9)

Our U.S. Constitution is under attack by a left-wing judiciary intent on sole control. Republicans can’t allow rogue Left-wing federal judges to abuse the Constitution.

They should man up and exercise their duty to the citizens of this country that are threatened by an ideological judiciary which is openly toxic to the Constitution.

Show some guts, Congress. Reconstitute the 9th District…and ANY federal court that fails to follow the very Constitution that makes their existence possible.

Defend the Rule of Law…and most importantly…

…defend us from those who would shred our Constitution in order to set America on a course that’s destined for a World order where individual liberty is non-essential.

Do the right thing…obey your oath to support and defend the Constitution.

Fight the radical Left’s agenda, and use the Constitution itself to do it.

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