Since when can an un-elected judge obstruct America’s national security?

Politically appointed judges can’t be allowed to undermine national security.

That’s what the federal judge in Hawaii just did, by ignoring the clear constitutional duties a President has to exercise his responsibilities, regarding a limited travel ban.

Forget the high-minded rhetoric of the many laws undeniably supporting President Trump, or the pathetic depths the court took to find standing where there is none…

…no NON-ELECTED ill-informed partisan judge can control our national security.

A President has a sworn duty to protect American citizens, even if that duty extends to protecting us from Left-wing judges who have no knowledge of foreign threats.

Mr. Trump has every right to ignore this ruling and carry out his responsibilities.

Americans will support him when he does so.

And most importantly, Republicans in Congress could too…by reconstituting the Left-coast federal court that runs contrary to the U.S. Constitution.

More to follow…

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