Democrat attacks reveal their weaknesses

Listen to Clinton and Kaine, and they’ll reveal the soft underbelly of their own Democrat campaign.

The tax/disrespect veterans meme? Democrats fear the scrutiny of Clinton Foundation pay-to-play cronyism and Obama’s DEADLY VA failures.

The ‘Miss Piggy/anti-woman’ meme? Who could be more anti-woman than someone who not only condones a philanderer and rapist husband, she orchestrates the attacks to destroy his female victims?

The ‘GOP tax-breaks caused 2008 crash’ MEME. No way do Democrats want their faulty home-market meddling and regulating re-exposed as the cause of a sub-prime crisis wiping out millions.

The ‘eliminated Iran’s nuke program’ meme? How, by Obama and Hillary sending hundreds of billions of dollars to a terror-state Obama redesignates annually? Or, by allowing the USA to be banned from sending inspectors to check their nuclear sites?

However crass, what would you call a porn star? And if Trump was denigrating such a lifestyle choice, how does that become an attack on all women? Isn’t such a Democrat claim worse, since it implies all women are porn stars?

Listen to these Democrat attacks…they’ll tell you where they themselves are vulnerable.

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