Puppet Masters…the Democrat outrage-manufacturing machine keeps pulling strings

Democrats and media lapdogs are working overtime to manufacture outrage over a supposed slight to a Muslim family whose U.S. Army son died while serving in Iraq.

They claim Trump’s call for tighter U.S. controls in allowing foreign Muslims into the U.S. during these troubled times with Islamic terrorism is an attack against their son.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Almost daily we hear of terror attacks somewhere in the world, followed by stories of radical Islamists using lax immigration policy to infiltrate and commit the acts.

Trump merely points out that our Constitution requires Americans be protected from such heinous terror acts, and caution on immigration policy is a logical method.

Calling for such policy here, in 2016’s terror climate, has no link with the death of Mr. Khan’s son in 2004, as a Captain serving with the U.S. Army in Iraq

…unless you’re a Democrat puppeteer, or one of their mindless, useful puppets.

Claiming Khan’s son was insulted by a call for more effective immigration control is like claiming every air traveler is insulted by an airport baggage-scan for weapons.

Your choice – be manipulated by the ‘outrage machine’…or use common sense.

Ironic, isn’t it, considering how fast Democrats will tar-brush an entire group over the actions of one or two, yet so quickly accuse others of that same tactic?

Almost as if they feel a proprietary ownership of that methodology. But then, when it comes to tar and feathers (or lynchings, for that matter)…

…as the Party of the KKK...Democrats have a lock on such tactics.

(Besides, what else can they do, when they can’t run on their record?)

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