Simple, deadly solution for possible cop-killer minority habitats

There is a simple, deadly solution for cop-killer minority habitats in the inner-cities…

…let same-minority cops patrol the minority home turf.

Why is this a ‘deadly solution’?

Because, what the liberal media doesn’t tell you is that statistics show minority cops (not white cops) are more likely to use deadly force against minority offenders.

Study: black cops are 3.3 times more likely to use a gun at a crime scene.

Simple solution to avoid charges of racism – black cops patrol black precincts.

And when body counts rise…hey, at least they aren’t racist, right?

(And, did you know…40% of cop-killers are black? What honest person thinks that important bit of data should be ignored by the cop out on a call?)

(And, oh yeah, a cop is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black, than a black is to be killed by a cop. Don’t you just love a media that keeps you in the dark?)

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