If ‘transparent’ means seeing right through someone, then sure, Hillary’s transparent

Hillary Clinton claims she’s ‘the most transparent person in American history’.

But talk about a play on words…she wants us to think she’s open and forthcoming?

Anyone notice, she fails to mention her ‘transparency’ is forcedby Federal court?

She’s transparent, alright…

…as sagging poll numbers reveal, most Americans see right through her.

This month, she testifies at a congressional hearing on Benghazi. She labels the hearing a slow-walked ‘political partisan committee’, to destroy her 2016 aspirations.

(Anyone notice, she fails to mention hundreds of suddenly found emails involving the Benghazi time period just last week? So any ‘slow-walking’ was caused by her!)

And she cites a comment made by House Majority Leader McCarthy, that she says is proof the Republicans are using Benghazi as a ‘political hit job’ on her.

But McCarthy was pointing out that Americans DO CARE about finding out the truth on Benghazi, and as more comes out, her dismal poll numbers prove they care.

Hillary can’t be trusted…that was the point…and her stonewalling proves it.

So, Clinton can claim the House Benghazi hearings are a political hit job, but if she had been TRANSPARENT in late 2012 , early 2013, it would all be behind her now.

Playing an evasion game caused the slow drip-drip-drip of discovered information.

The fact she’s taking the hits now is not a result of GOP machinations…

…it’s an awakening public condemnation…of her own making.

Transparent? You bet she’s transparent.

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