Stonewalling…then complaining of slow-walking?

Leftist Richard Cohen takes to the IBD pages to complain of Hillary treatment.

And, of course, uses the Washington Post to do the same.

The entire Obama team, including Hillary, stonewall Congress in its investigation of what happened before, during, and after Benghazi, and yet, delays caused by that stonewalling are seen as Republicans slow-walking a process…to hurt Hillary?

We assure Mr. Cohen that relatives of those killed in Benghazi want answers. He would too, if one of the Americans killed in that attack had been his son, or nephew.

Earth to Richard…how indifferent to their loss can you Liberals be?

You said it yourself, sir…“a terrorist attack in Libya is no laughing matter”

…and we would add ‘…especially when Americans in Hillary’s State Dept are killed, after repeated emails TO HER – begging for more security – are ignored‘.

Just days ago, more hidden Benghazi emails of Hillary’s have surfaced…yet Cohen has the gall to believe it’s ‘Hillary-hatred’ that drives this Benghazi investigation?

Would he believe that, if it had been ‘Tyrone Cohen’ dead on a Benghazi rooftop?

Message to Richard Cohen: you’re no Diogenes.

(And, if you want to see a real ‘laughing matter‘…we suggest using a mirror.)

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