Enslaved then, duped now…what’s the difference?

Thomas Sowell begs people to learn from history…but what are the odds?

His recent article on societal segments using slavery as a scapegoat is damning.

He notes that since the 1960 Democrat ‘reforms’ were put into place, black families have suffered…single-parent households have surged, with dire consequences.

What does it say about Democrat policies, if two-parent families, low unemployment, minimal welfare dependency, fewer riots, lesser crime- and murder-rates were all present BEFORE Democrats inflicted the black population with them?

Yet…that black population votes heavily Democrat every election cycle.

Two questions beg to be asked…

Does it make them any less a slave, when shackled by lies…rather than irons?

(And, since they vote for the very political party that brings them to ruin…)

Does it make them slave and enslaver, when they don the shackles themselves?


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