Look! Up in the sky…it’s Shill-man…!

Reading the prepared State of the Union that Obama gave last night is a challenge.

So many deceptions, so little fact.

(“…businesses have created 6 million new jobs…”) Unhh, what about the 8.5 million lost? (we’ve “…cleared away the rubble of crisis…the state of our union is stronger…”) Only in Obama-land does adding over 11,200 food stamp recipients per day make a ‘union’ stronger. Since he took office, food stamp enrollment has increased 50%!

The real corker was close to the end though. “As long as I’m Commander-in-Chief, we will do whatever we must to protect those who serve their country abroad…” (Yeah, tell that to the 4 dead Americans in Benghazi, fatal beneficiaries of that empty promise.)

In Obama’s mind, ‘…whatever we must…’ amounted to 1) refusing to beef up security before the attack, 2) leaving Americans stranded without backup during the attack, and 3) lying about what occurred after the attack…and continue lying to the present day.

How does he sell such a pack of blatant State-of-the-Union lies to Americans…?

By oftentimes hiding behind the petticoats of administration lackeys sent out to take flak (including Leon Panetta and Jay Carney – which explains ‘crossdresser’ rumors), and enlisting the eager shills of the mainstream media to do the dirty work of selling lies.

It’s a filthy job…but you know CBS and the New York Times are up to the challenge…

They must be so proud…

One thought on “Look! Up in the sky…it’s Shill-man…!

  1. Pingback: Yes Virginia, it was Obama who proposed the sequester… | BlueCollarPerspective

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