(Update) When a Benghazi ‘fruit-of-the-loom’ protocol collides with ‘Liar, Liar’ reality….

Defense Secretary Panetta testified under oath Thursday that “…Obama was absent the night 4 Americans died…” in the Benghazi attack that went on for over 7 hours.

Panetta has a degree in law…we assume he understands what ‘under oath’ entails.

As noted in the earlier blog on this issue, in late October Obama asserted he was issuing directives the night of the attack, implying constant involvement.

Barack Obama has a degree in law…but he also knew he wasn’t under oath.

Obama’s senior campaign advisor (Axelrod) was on Fox with Chris Wallace, and stated during that Nov 04 interview  “…immediately when word of the attack came, (Obama) was meeting with his top national security folks. He was talking to them well into the night…everything that could be put in motion, he put in motion…every conversation that needed to be had was being had between him and his top national security officials.”

As the senior campaign advisor, one would have to believe that Axelrod was intimately aware of Obama’s involvement, especially considering Obama was bragging at every campaign stop that “…bin Laden’s dead…and al Qaida is on its heels…”

Not to mention that Obama went back on the campaign trail, heading for Vegas the very next day after our 4 Americans were killed. Given that, his senior campaign advisor had to be somewhere close by him the night before…and, knowing the impact of Obama’s anti-terror-success campaign rhetoric, the Benghazi event screamed for attention.

So, shades of Liar, Liar…whether perjury before Congress, or less formally before the American public writ large…which lawyer is lying…?

Because at least one of them must be…



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