Damned if they do BECAUSE they don’t…?

Yes – the Supreme Court ruling against Obamacare’s illegal subsidies ‘won’t be a disaster’but the way Republicans handle it from that point might be.

This week the Supreme Court will hear Obama lawyers try to explain how it’s okay for the federal govt to give subsidies to consumers in states using fed exchanges.

(O’care’s adviser Gruber openly bragged about coercion used against GOP states by adding language withholding consumer subsidies if states didn’t set them up. Now he says that language doesn’t mean what he said it means…yeah, right.)

It’s pretty obvious the subsidy rule in Obamacare was coercive, deliberately written to force states into setting up their own exchanges (thus bearing the brunt of cost).

But, if the Supreme Court rules Obama’s HHS is doling out subsidies illegally, and must discontinue that practice, shutting off that subsidy spigot will be blamed on…

…Republicans (it was GOP-run states that refused to set up the exchanges).

Democrats won’t be blamed, even though they wrote the law in the first place.

Democrats won’t be blamed, even though they passed it without one GOP vote.

Democrats won’t be blamed – they broke their own law, to give people subsidies.

Democrats wrote bad law (deliberately)…

…broke that law (deliberately)…

…and can now put the blame on Republicans…

…for inflicting Democrat law! (Damned if they do…)

The best way to stop the ‘blame Republicans’ scenario is full repeal of O’care.

Until that happens, it would be advisable for Republicans to strap in.


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