Nov. midterms will test the limits of ‘stupid is as stupid does’

In 52 days, we’ll learn the limits of ‘stupid is as stupid does’.

The voter groups that helped Obama get re-elected are hurt worst by his policy.

Blacks, Hispanics, single women, and the youth voter have seen their annual incomes drop, and their unemployment climb, during the last 5-plus years of Obama’s rule.

Those voter groups were (percentage-wise) Obama’s biggest supporters.

That ‘middle class’ Obama and his cohort claim to champion? Crushed.

AndĀ the top income earners (whom Obama loves to hate) saw their incomes rise.

This isn’t a ‘1-time glitch’, but a steady pattern caused by Democrat policy.

Blacks went 90% for Obama and Democrats in 2012, and have been hurt the worst by their policies. Hispanics voted 71%, single women 67%, and youth 60% for Democrats.

They’ve paid the price over the last several years as well. If those support percentages maintainĀ in November, you can’t feel sorry for them…they’re getting what they ask for.

Just how stupid will they choose to be?

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