When it comes to racial injustice, nobody outdoes Eugene Robinson

As the violence and lawlessness in Ferguson, Missouri unfolds, Eugene Robinson dipped quill in ink, and served up his latest in non-objective racist hysteria.

Surprisingly, he waited all of two paragraphs before indicting the police officer who killed Michael Brown, an 18-year old black man…weighing in at 292 lbs, standing 6’4″ tall.

3rd paragraph, opening line, Robinson writes “another black man unjustly killed”.

Did we mention Michael Brown was 6’4″ tall? …weighing in at 292 lbs? Well, oddly enough, Eugene Robinson never mentioned those details in his article.

See, those inconvenient details won’t conform to his ‘another black man unjustly killed’ narrative, thrown out there with such reckless abandon, if you consider the facts.

And we do have some facts; which begs the question…

Mr. Robinson, you’re a uniformed police officer, roughed up before drawing a handgun and aiming it at a 6’4″, 292 lb man standing only yards away, who suddenly rushes you.

Do you (a) assume he’s seen the error of his ways and is in a hurry to get handcuffed; (b) assume he’s sorry for roughing you up, and just wants a hug; or (c) believe he may plan to do you more harm, as he seems willing to charge into a gun to do it?

You warn him to stop, you shoot to wound four times, but he keeps coming…

At that point, do you really care what color that big guy is charging at you?

Or, in those split-seconds, do you finally, reluctantly, decide to stop him?

As a black ‘journalist’, Mr. Robinson is hell-bent on assuming the worst of a white police officer, preferring to believe his actions ‘unjust’…assuming what was in his heart…

but it’s also possible to see the first 4 wounding shots as trying to prevent a killing…

…unless you’re a race-blinded journalist hack…

unjustly character-assassinating a white cop.

You see, Mr. Robinson, it’s just as easy to assume the best, as it is the worst.

Depending, of course, on your perspective…

Every day, more eyewitnesses are corroborating the police officer’s story. Even so…

Michael Brown could have chosen not to rob a store; he could have chosen not to walk down the center of a street; he could have chosen to move to the sidewalk when told to by a police officer; he could have chosen not to strike the officer in the face; and he could have chosen to submit peacefully…but he didn’t.

None of those choices are affected by race; none of those choices are affected by lack of education; none of those choices are affected by joblessness…

…those 5 choices he made were all affected by attitude, Mr. Robinson.

We can’t imagine where he might have picked THAT up.

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