There’s no ‘executive loan program’ in our U. S. Constitution…but that’s not Obama’s goal anyway

A Democrat toadie…errr…Senator says Obama will ‘borrow the power’ to change law.

Unhappy with current immigration law he refuses to enforce

…now he wants to write law he’s not empowered to write? That’s not his job. His job is to enforce laws that are already written and in place, as legislated by Congress.

He knows that.

There is no ‘executive loan program’ for a president to ‘borrow’ legislative powers…

…but there is a specific Constitutional antidote to prevent such usurpations…

…it’s called ‘impeachment’. And that’s what he wants.

It’s obvious what Obama’s trying to do. His Democrat water-carriers in the Senate are facing a very tough November election prospect…unless their base gets fired up.

If he can force the GOP into talk of impeachment, it might fire up the black voters, who would certainly be upset at the thought of the first black president being impeached.

He’s overloaded the border with illegal immigrants, hoping to fire up Hispanic voters.

He wasted no time using the Supreme Court religious-freedom ruling to fire up women. Already Obama’s flack is saying the ruling jeopardizes women’s health (without noting that women can still buy contraceptives themselveson average, at $15-$50/month).

He’s probably planning an October-surprise student-loan amnesty, and it wouldn’t be unexpected to hear him promise waiving O’care mandates again, to lure youth voters.

Obama’s playing the only cards he has, with a calculated bluff…in the hopes that his base groups will get fired up enough to turn out in November, so he keeps the Senate.

It’s a balancing act: firing up his base, while not over-heating his opposition’s base.

Republicans need to craft a balanced message that exposes Obama’s cynical efforts.

How hard can it be? The majority of voters don’t like his immigration ploys, see him as a liar, and realize that this sluggish economy – with O’care dragging it down – is his failure.

If the House Republicans wised up and cut off precisely-targeted agency funding, it would be a welcome sign that they’re not going to lay down and take this power abuse.

And they have a powerful closing argument…how does one make deals with a LIAR?

Talk about gall…he threatens to ‘fix’ immigration laws…that HE’S breaking!

Obama obviously doesn’t have Constitutional authority to ‘borrow’ legislative powers…

…and Congress absolutely has Constitutional power to stop funding his abuses.

The House GOP leadership should grow a pair, and start exercising their power.

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