Democrat enviro-cronyism fills terrorist pockets with $25 billion a year

A certain Liberal billionaire has poured millions into the Democrat efforts to stall building the KeystoneXL pipeline…and it’s no secret he’ll profit very handsomely as a result.

Problem is however, that pipeline would have brought us 830,000 barrels of oildaily.

Canada’s tired of waiting for the U.S., and just approved building a pipeline to the West coast, which means that oil-flow is to be set up for exporting to Asia by supertanker.

Nervous energy experts warn that ‘continued recovery from the Great Recession puts pressure on world supply’, and insurgency causes worry about Iraq’s daily oil exports.

So, as a result, the world…and The One…are turning a blind eye to Iran’s violating their nuclear talks agreement, exceeding allowed export quotas by 650,000 bbls a day

…netting the world’s leading terror-state over $65 million per day in illegal revenues!

Short story…Obama and his enviro-cronies, heavily invested in alternative energy, are stalling the KeystoneXL project for their personal gain, at the expense of world security.

Since January 01 of this year, exceeding their quota has brought Iran $11.7 billion in exceeded oil-quota revenues; by the end of September, add another $6.5 billion…and by the end of 2014, yep – $6.5 billion. The world wants oil…at the expense of peace.

That’s $24.7 billion Obama and cronies have helped the world’s terror-state net.

Some will argue the Canadian oil is moving now, so it’s unfair to assume stalling an 830,000 bbl/day project negates a need to allow Iran to exceed by 650,000 bbl/day.

But that doesn’t address a global concern, which America creates, when it’s so-called leaders are willing to put personal gain ahead of reasonable oil-production policy.

Want proof? What has the President done to stop Iran’s sanction-busting profits?

The world runs on oil; it will sacrifice long-term security for near-term energy demands, even if it has to fund a terror-nation like Iran by allowing blatant sanction violations…

…but $65 million per day…$24.7 billion per year…buys a lot of grenade launchers.

And, don’t forget, it’s the U.S.A. labeled as ‘the great Satan’ by Iran. We’re the target.

Tom Steyer, George Soros, and lapdog Democrats who do their bidding…by their policy and personal greed…are to blame for funding the next terror attack on American soil.

(But, hey, hedge fund investing can be a risky game.)

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