Ft Lauderdale Memorial Day riot news reveal the ‘race cowards’ among us…

News accounts of Memorial Day rioting in Ft Lauderdale were curiously uninformative, considering those reports started off by advising that rabble-rousers intended to riot.

If intentional, what was their motivation? Who were they?

Missing information? You bet…

Motivation of the rioters (other than mention of trouble at a park, before heading to the beach). Demographics of the rioters…other than that they were ‘young’ people.

Most of the pictures and video provided centered on law enforcement in riot gear, which begs a larger question…is the news media going out of its way to be Politically Correct?

Why avoid essential information, and photos of the troublemakers?

Searching through news reports, one photo seems to indicate more information than what on-site television news reporters, and newspaper journalists, care to provide.

Looks like the rioters were pretty identifiably of a certain minority type. Which begs the question: if a gang of whites or Hispanics had been the perpetrators, is it probable that the crowd photos and news reporting would have been a little more informative?

But don’t worry…when you’re out and about, just be on the lookout for ‘young’ people.

Evidently, the news media thinks that’s all you need to know.

Obama’s Attorney General thinks the U.S. is ‘still’ a nation of cowards on race.

BlueCollar believes most Americans know the difference between a minority group as a whole, and an unruly gang of rioting thugs exploiting a potentially explosive situation.

Unless he refers to those who rush to use the term ‘racist’ to vilify and muffle those who try dealing with this subject openly and honestly, we condemn AG Holder’s view.

BlueCollar suggests the cowards among us are… a mainstream news media who insult Americans by not giving us the credit of discerning the ‘thug’ from the good guy…

…and race-baiters like Holder…or race-demagogues like this one, sitting to his left.

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