There are 30-40 reasons why Obama’s Benghazi failure still matters

Despite Hillary’s shrill “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

…despite Nat’l Security spokesman Vietor’s “Dude, this was 2 years ago”

…Benghazi failures still matter…and there are 30-40 reasons why.

They’re called ‘SURVIVORS’, Barack. (You know, the ones you’re hiding?)

Because, while much of the media attention focused on the 4 who were killed that night, there were 30-40 more Americans in harm’s way, who were also abandoned by Obama.

Sending in American military may not have helped the first two, who were killed at the beginning of the assault. But Doherty and Woods were killed many hours later.

If Obama had done his job as Commander-in-Chief, they could have been saved.

Failure to order a military response was a death warrant for them, but the media forgets it could have been a death warrant for the 30-40 who did survive as well. And they have a right to know why this president turned his back on them, risking their deaths also.

McCarthy has a definitive article on Obama’s dereliction of duty, spelling it out clearly.

But still, he doesn’t touch on those who should be demanding an account from Obama.

Before, at the start, and during the attack, no one had any idea how long it would last, or how many Americans would die if help wasn’t sent in time.

To imply now, some 19 months later, an accounting is no longer needed, is heretical.

Answering for Doherty and Woods won’t bring them back to life, but…

…there are 30-40 Americans who need to know why they were left to die by Obama.

Only the President could have authorized American military assistance.

It could have been your son or daughter…your mom or dad…in that group.

So, for that matter, every American should be demanding that answer as well.



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