Obama’s lawlessness is the Kryptonite the GOP needs

What took the GOP leadership so long?

BlueCollarPerspective has pointed out for months that lawlessness is the Kryptonite  Republicans can use relentlessly against Obama and his Democrat cohort this year.

The Legislative branch (Congress) makes law.

The Executive branch (Presidency) enforces that law.

But Obama refuses to enforce laws he doesn’t like…rendering the Rule of Law moot.

Superman’s planet blew up; using Kryptonite chunks against him took away his power.

Obama’s lawless policies now provide the Kryptonite that can be used against him.

In this election year, Republicans must apply that Kryptonite effectively.

On immigration reform, it looks like GOP leadership is planning to do just that, judging by remarks from Congressman Ryan. They should apply it against other issues too.

Predicating every election-year issue with BlueCollar’s O-B-A-M-A act idea – a clause which outlines every law Obama’s broken and demanding those laws be re-instated…

…keeps the Kryptonite firmly around his neck.

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