BOOM!!! Down goes the Pandemic Panic! As WE predicted, they’re cannibalizing death counts…

We predicted months ago that the WuFlu deathcounts were cannibalizing from other normal death factors, and looks like somebody finally used CDC data to confirm it.

Investment Watch: “So I crunched the numbers and compared to January-July deaths of previous years, we’re short by about 250,000. Something’s up.”

A guest post to the IW site compared January-to-July death counts from 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 to non-Covid death counts the CDC posted for 2020, and found this:

“The numbers for 2020 are way off if we’re supposed to be in the middle of this deadly plague. We should have hit 1,863,409 by now if the 144,703 people Covid killed were “excess deaths” but we’re in a deficit of about 256,728.” (bold, u/l emphasis added)

Since the beginning, we’ve called the fear-mongering to this new virus a HOAX.

CDC data confirms it.

Democrat-controlled states and their LIBedia masters are perpetuating the hoax in a desperate attempt to stop President Trump from being re-elected in November.

We never said this new virus was a hoax…we’ve stated their PANIC-mongering was.

The pain, fear, and anxiety these evil efforts have caused are beyond despicable.

Family members died alone, many were buried alone. Lockdowns and draconian law has inflicted additional harm on Americans…all because they want to regain power.

Let that sink in: millions lost their jobs, thousands lost their businesses, and their life’s work -all as a raw attempt at regaining lost power is being orchestrated by Democrats.

Anger and outrage over a callous destruction of American lives should be the norm…

…the NEW NORM.

Unless they work out a way to FABRICATE additional death counts, their lie is exposed.

Time to hold these evildoers responsible…way past time.

4 thoughts on “BOOM!!! Down goes the Pandemic Panic! As WE predicted, they’re cannibalizing death counts…

  1. I hope these victims are smart enough and have the brains to remember that it was the Democrats that caused this mayhem instead of believing the main street media.

  2. We’ve been seeing proof of this for months and months. The problem isn’t that we didn’t know…it’s that we do nothing to counteract it.

  3. In Michigan they started adding an asterisk on the death count. Some number of deaths “found during records review.” Total BS.

  4. I told my wife back in early March that all numbers on the wu flu would be faked , mostly to the high side, so that d rats and rino could use the false numbers for all sorts of political bs and demands for relief money. I trust no wu flu number, I trust no poll, I trust noone from the leftist propaganda media.

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