How is it they can ‘cancel’ past racists like Sanger & Muir…but keep their RACIST Party afloat?

“Planned Parenthood in N.Y. Disavows Margaret Sanger Over Eugenics”

Yep, history of racist ideology gets you disavowed…(aborted, if you will…). Sanger was an avowed eugenicist who preached selective breeding to improve the human race.

(So far, under the guise of ‘planned’ parenthood, she’s succeeded in pushing what most KKK grand wizards could only hope for: the planned abortion of a specific race.)

They’ll dump her for eugenics views…but not for her selective breeding tactic: abortion. Talk about ironic. Yeah, actually killing millions of unborn black babies is okay…

…preaching it, evidently, not so much.

And then, no surprise, say goodbye to environmentalist icon John Muir: “Liberal, progressive — and racist? The Sierra Club faces its white-supremacist history”

Yep…seems John Muir uttered bigoted comments. Bye, bye John.

Funny, though – again, we see anger over comments…but no anger over deadly acts.

No one seems too quick about facing DEMOCRAT white-supremacist deadly history?

You know, creating the KKK…Jim Crow laws…and Bull Connor brutality tactics…the stuff that actually resulted in lawn cross-burnings, segregation, and real lynchings.

Yep, they did that. Funny how Muir’s comments gets him, dare we say, blacklisted…but the actual terrorizing, brutalizing, and killing of blacks seem to warrant a free pass?

Words matter – but deaths don’t? Just askin’…(you know, for a friend).

Maybe if they destroy all those Confederate DEMOCRAT statues fast enough, no one will notice that – by doing so – they’ve wiped the racist-past slate clean for that Party.


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