For those who missed it, the ‘Hammer drops…

The new year brought with it a great idea from the estimable Charles Krauthammer.

Insurance companies will lose big time with the Obamacare implementation, until such time as the right mix of healthy enrollees can cover those less healthy. Could be years.

Democrats knew this when they wrote the law, and built in taxpayer bailout set-asides.

The ‘Hammer’s point…

…”Americans hate fat-cat bailouts of any kind”…especially for insurance companies.

The point of Mr. Krauthammer’s article: introduce a bill negating the taxpayer-funded bailouts, which would prompt insurance companies to pull back from O’care, killing it.

BlueCollar thinks the point of Obamacare is to destroy private insurance companies, so the idea that insurance companies would fail, causing O’care to fail, is questionable.

But, the idea has merit based on its political impact, in a mid-term election year.

Mr. Krauthammer touched on this successfully…such a GOP ‘repeal bailouts’ bill would spotlight Democrats who now must spend the year defending a disastrous O’care bill.

It puts Democrats in a position of supporting fat-cat bailouts, or bleeding Obamacare.

It also creates a useful model of how to bring the fight to Democrats in a way that casts the GOP in the role of standing up for the little guy…on a wide range of issues.

Our question…why stop at attaching anti-insurer-bailout legislation to debt ceiling bills?

Why not attach anti-insurer-bailout legislation to the looming budget appropriation bills, and (sensible) minimum wage bills to offset costs for unpalatable Democrat plans?

Attach it to every Democrat platform ‘class-warfare’ issue they’ll bring up between now and Nov elections – make them choose between constituents…or insurer bailouts.

We hope the Republican leadership is listening.

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