Don’t let media lies of over-hyped flu dangers make you forget those at-risk

Yes, we’re disgusted by the WuFlu fear-mongering being pushed by FakeNews. But, we must remain mindful of friends and family members who are seriously at risk. Knowing who your friends are includes knowing their at-risk health issues; we owe them that. 

Because even a mild flu can affect an immuno-suppressed friend or loved one.

Please, keep that in mind.

Even as we rage against the fear-mongers for unnecessarily panicking the healthy American citizenry, they also dangerously affect those seriously at-risk, by such acts.



…still, understand this: “*Social Distancing* is Snake Oil, Not Science”

The policy of social distancing is not a scientific concept, plain and simple. For proof, you need only consider the facts over what has transpired on the USS Roosevelt…

“…what the data have fleshed out, beyond the point of argument, is that the proximity of one human being to another has proven to be a very small factor in determining the impact of Covid-19 infections. What’s far more important is which human beings happen to be in close proximity of one another. 

According to Dr. Steven Shapiro and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center:

Crowded indoor conditions can be devastating in nursing homes, while on the USS Theodore Roosevelt 1,102 sailors were infected, but only 7 required hospitalization, with 1 death. This contrast has significant implications…we have not embraced. Epidemiologic prediction models have performed poorly, often neglecting critical variablesThe USS Theodore Roosevelt had a crew of 4,800.  Given the acute sample, testing was holistic.  This yields an actual infection rate of roughly 23 percent, and among those infected, the fatality rate is 0.09 percent.  Among the Roosevelt’s entire crew of assumedly healthy and able-bodied sailors, on a floating Petri dish, during the thick of viral outbreak that shut down all schools and placed healthy citizens across America under house-arrest, the fatality rate was .002 percent.” (bold, u/l added)

(‘Holistic’ means testing a whole group.) That’s science…backed by real-life data.

We respect the health needs of our at-risk family and friends, but empirical evidence has proven there is no need to force lockdowns helter-skelter…unscientifically.

Honoring the needs of those at risk doesn’t mean giving up civil liberties as well.

Get the message, governors?

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