FISA abuses must result in harsh justice…that INCLUDES lax judges ignoring legal standards

At his new ‘Just-the-News’ website, John Solomon reports “…the new chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, took direct aim at the excuses and blame-shifting of these senior Obama administration FBI and DOJ officials.”

After reading the 19-page assessment “IN RE ACCURACY CONCERNS REGARDING (Docket No. Misc. 19-02) FBI MATTERS SUBMITTED TO THE FISC”…it would’ve been more accurate to add ‘…while failing to acknowledge basic judicial legal lapses’.

Sure, the judge blasted the FBI and DOJ (officials and lawyers), because it’s obvious that there were fraudulent declarations and omissions used in the FISA app process.

But he never mentioned the FISA court’s judicial abuse, regarding their failure to require necessary first-hand evidence supporting any ‘probable cause’ allegations.

And the judge’s memorandum skirts the obvious regarding the FBI’s weak effort to set up any kind of meaningful reform…because none of it stops deliberate deceitful intent.

We’ve addressed this in several posts: partisan deceit DEMANDS harsh justice…

…nothing less.

And that includes judges who ignored legal standards to allow abuses to continue. 

Remember – this FISA abuse was aimed at a National political campaign.

It shouldn’t matter which political Party we support…such abuses are an abomination to an election process, the judicial process, and our Constitution…and must be dealt with.


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