Hmmm…once again, their blame-game knows NO bounds…

Reported at “An Obama Holdover in an Obscure Government Arm Helped Cause the Country’s Coronavirus Crisis” (u/l & color emphasis added)

“President Trump had been told that nobody with the coronavirus would be flown to America. The State Department decided to do it anyway without telling him and only made the announcement shortly after the planes landed in the United States.”

“Who in the State Department actually made the decision? According to a State Department briefing, the missions were carried out by the Directorate of Operational Medicine within the Bureau of Medical Services…an arm of the State Department. If the coronavirus becomes a critical problem in this country, the blame will go back to an obscure arm of the State Department, but it will never be placed there. Whatever happens a year from now, no one outside a small professional class will have ever heard of the Directorate of Operational Medicine.” (underline, bold emphasis added)

The head of that ‘obscure arm of the State Dept.’ is an Obama-appointee.

Got that?

Democrats are trying to blame everything-Covid19 on the President, while a Democrat-appointed bureaucrat made what is a national security decision…without Trump’s ok.

So, once again, Democrats create a problem, then hysterically point at Pres Trump.


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