Anyone need PROOF that Left-wing judges are hopelessly biased?

Any doubt about a hopelessly biased left-wing judiciary is gone, with this latest ruling of an Obama-appointed judge that Trump’s lawyer must appear before Congress, judging by Andrew McCarthy’s take on exactly how that judge’s 120-page opinion was worded.

The lawyer, McGahn, served as a former counsel to Pres. Trump, and it seems likely that Democrats want his testimony to build a case about ‘obstruction…or something’ in relation to activities, rumor, and allegations whirling around during Mueller’s probe.

In McCarthy’s article “There’s Less to the McGahn Ruling Than Meets the Eye” he notes that “What Judge Jackson actually ordered is that McGahn must show up in compliance with the House Judiciary Committee’s subpoena. She did not direct him to provide any actual testimony.(We’re left to wonder how that took 120 pages?)

Got that? Here’s a Harvard-educated lawyer-now-judge…who’s been in the legal end of the DC swamp for 23 years…somehow screwing up a ruling to allow a loophole dodge.

Or…is it a screw-up? We suggest it’s more likely a set-up.

First-year lawyers understand the need for iron-clad contracts that exclude even a mere possibility of loopholes…how can a Harvard cum laude graduate make such a blunder?

Did we mention she’s had 23 years of lawyer/judicial experience?

If the former Trump lawyer takes the bait, ‘shows up’ – then refuses to testify – it will be screamed from rooftops that Trump-&-co. are pulling a dodge, and hiding something.

Doesn’t matter no crime’s been committed…they’ll play up the appearance of one.

(With, of course, willing aid of a FakeNews media bent on destroying this President.)

This is just another game Democrats play, and they’re using a district judge to do it. A district judge who, we suggest, deliberately baited the hook…with a loophole-worm.

If McCarthy’s assessment is right, Judge Ketjani Brown Jackson is a partisan hack…

…or conveniently incompetent (120 pages?)…either way, unworthy of that office.

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