Another slavery LIE that collapses under it’s own weight

“Jon Meacham Smears: America Was Founded to ‘Protect Slavery'”

When such a lie is needed to make a point, seems the REAL point is America-hatred.

America, as a Nation, was secured after the Revolutionary War, but for argument’s sake let’s put it at 1776…when the colonies presented their Declaration of Independence.

The African slave-trade started centuries earlier, most historians note it as in the 1400s.

America’s part in slavery ended in Jan. 1863, with the Emancipation Proclamation.

That means…in less than 87 years…the United States of America ended what European slave traders had perpetuated for OVER 400 years, Mr. Meacham.

(And, by the way, Africa still practices its own slave trade…to this day, Mr. Meacham.)

Care to visit South Africa, Mauritania, Sudan, Libya, or Egypt…Mr. Meacham?

Anyone who loved this Nation would take pride in the short period of time it took our forebearers to right such a wrong…only haters would cast America in an evil light.

87 years, versus over 400 years…doesn’t quite fit your narrative, does it, sir?

Historically speaking, Mr. Meacham…you’re not much of a historian…

…and patriotically speaking…not much of an American, either.

America was last to be thrust into slavery, and time-wise, the fastest to get out.


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