#YourLivesDontMatter…how does this convince voters?

During today’s second hour, Rush Limbaugh summed up the amazing Democrat ‘class warfare’ strategy, and how it’s been successful for them as a go-to tactic for decades.

“…what they do, they condition their voters to be happy when they think other people suffer pain. So the Democrats will run around and promise to raise taxes on the rich, and the Democrat voters say, “Yeah! Yeah! You stick it to ’em!” Now, have the Democrat voters’ lives changed? No. Not when Democrats run the show. Democratic voters’ lives – other than the uber-wealthy and the well-to-do – do not change for the better at all under Democrat leadership. The Democrats’ policies are not designed to improve people’s lives. Democrat Party policies are designed to increase their power and the role of government in everybody’s life. It’s not about expanding your life, expanding your sphere of influence and opportunity. It’s about actually making you more and more dependent on them. It’s about turning you into a victim.(bold, u/l emphasis added)

In a nutshell, Democrat politicians create hate-&-anger against the Republican Party…

while not improving Democrat-supporting voters’ lives at all.

Rush says, “They really sell class envy and class hatred. The Democrats know that their policies are not going to raise the economic standard of living for most of their voters. So how do they cover for that? They condition those people to believe that what they have now is pretty much the best it’s gonna get because the game is rigged against them, and that the Democrats are going to go get the people rigging the game.”

It may be too late to expect dyed-in-wool supporters to reject what’s worked on them for decades, but how clued-in Millennials will react to being suckered is worth considering.

Do the Millennials really want to be part of a #YourLivesWontImprove Party?

There should be some clever GOP strategists working this angle before 2020 elections.

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