When up is down and good is bad…it must be a poll

When it comes to creating a Deep & Boiling Anger…trust NBC to show us how.

(Ed. note: If you’re not reading Issues-&-Insights daily…you should be.)

Polling got you down? Here’s why: “Americans Feel Better About Race Relations, And Other Trump Poll Results The Press Doesn’t Want You To Know About”

“How do you cover a poll that shows satisfaction with the economy, despite all the harrumphing about an impending recession, is much higher than it ever was under President Barack Obama? Or reveals that views on race relations are actually better today than three years ago? Or shows that most think the political system is being shaken up in a good way? Answer: You don’t. That is, if you’re a mainstream media outlet and the poll is your own.”

Instead, you pull poll numbers out of context, to make issues look dark. Case in point:

“Here’s the scary headline NBC News ran on the poll it conducted with the Wall Street Journal and published over the weekend: ‘A deep and boiling anger: NBC/WSJ poll finds a pessimistic America despite current economic satisfaction.’ The really important finding, according to NBC, was that ‘70% of Americans say they’re angry at the political establishment.’ But it turns out that this anger level is unchanged since October 2015. That means the ‘deep and boiling anger’ was happening under Obama. Why isn’t that the headline?” Of course, we all know the answer to that question, right?

When an entire context of a poll doesn’t give a desired result, just delete the context.

Class dismissed.

(It’s well worth the time to read the entire article.)

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