Hmmm…what stopped Biden from invoking his years as V.P. for ‘The One’, to defuse Kamala?

Kamala Harris ripped Joe Biden about his segregationist, anti-busing background, and Ole Joe just sat there and took it…when he had the perfect rebuttal for his defense.

Reminding Kamala-&-co that he was Barack Obama’s chosen Vice President, which is the perfect piece of Kryptonite that could shut down ANYONE’S insinuation he’s racist.

It’s public knowledge that Obama won’t endorse him, but up until last night Joe never hesitated to invoke the Obama-Biden relationship over 8 years…what’s different now?

‘Folksy Joe’ could’ve said ‘…you know, Kamala, how can there be ANY doubt as to my history of work for the black community, with Barack Obama choosing me as VP?’

BOOM! It would’ve been that easy to shut it down. But he didn’t. Either the old politician has lost his mojo…or, has he been told by Obama to back off about the relationship?

(And, if told to back off, what do they have on him that will enforce the warning?)


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