Mueller investigation legitimacy can be DESTROYED with one question…

O-M-G: the Left is ecstatic that Mueller will testify at a House hearing.

Can you say ‘NOTHING-BURGER’?

There’s ONLY ONE QUESTION that needs answering at that hearing…

Mr. Mueller – can you justify an investigation, and establishment of a special counsel, based on unsubstantiated opponent research completely funded by Democrats?

‘Hacking’ claims? A CrowdStrike analysis…funded by Democrats.

‘Collusion’ claims? A dirt-dossier analysis…funded by Democrats.

We repeat, for absolute clarity…

Hack analysis, Trump campaign foreign collusion unsubstantiated by federal agencies.



But, okay, let’s put the Hearing into overdrive with one more question…

Mr. Mueller, if Russia ‘meddling in the American election process’ was your focus, why wasn’t the provable Democrat collusion included as part of your report?

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