Obama’s bad-faith negotiating and disregard for law aren’t ‘failings’…they’re tactics

July 11th, BCP said Obama’s disregard for law would negate any Democrat promises.

Now Senator Rubio voices that sentiment, noting that Obama’s bad faith during recent gov’t debt-&-funding negotiations creates distrust that probably is insurmountable.

Rubio knows any Republican willing to support immigration reform would only do so if strong enforcement is a part of it, but none of the GOP trust the Executive will enforce it.

So, through bad faith during negotiations, and a demonstration of total disregard for the law on quite a few issues, Obama has created an aura of distrust that negates efforts.

This is a deliberate tactic to freeze Republicans in their tracks.

Obama’s got nothing to lose…he’s not on the ballot. He wants control of Congress.

GOP lawmakers will justifiably dig in their heels…earning mainstream media’s wrath.

Watch this get put into play throughout the next year, with every voter bloc: Women (birth control), Hispanics (immigration), Blacks (voter ID), Youth (pick the issue).

Republicans (rightly) won’t trust negotiations, will be portrayed as obstructive, and – if they fail to properly strategize rebuttals now – will lose those voter blocs next November.

Better than rebuttal – go on offense now, with each of these voter blocs, by using the House to pass resonating pro-bloc legislation that negates Democrat objectives.

T’were best done quickly.

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