Drinking the ‘sour polling’ milk, one defund-delay negotiation at a time…

In today’s political climate, dealing with National polling is like dealing with sour milk.

Republicans in Congress should remember the 1st Rule For Sour Milk…

stop drinking – there’s no need to drink the whole glass, once confirmed it’s sour.

Push-polling was used to force gov’t-shutdown blame on Republicans, who drank that sour-milk polling and decided ‘enough’, even though BlueCollar showed them the way.

The Washington Examiner verified our analysis of the bogus NBC-WSJ poll here and here. We exposed its Democrat-weighted bias, and the underlying rot in their policies.

(And, we thank the Examiner’s Mark Tapscott for acknowledging our efforts to do so.)

Sunday we exposed the failure linkage that puts the lie to that push-poll intent, which was to shackle the fault of a gov’t shutdown around throats of House Republicans.

Government needs money to operate. Our Constitution requires money drawn from the Treasury to be done by appropriations. The House GOP passed appropriation bills.

The Democrat-controlled Senate refused to give those bills an up-or-down vote…thus shutting down the Federal government they took an oath to serve. It bears repeating…

Democrats, trampling the Constitutional process, shut down the Federal government.

Yet, the NBC-WSJ poll ignores any Congressional Democrat role, only asking those polled if Obama or ‘the Republicans in Congress’ were to blame for the shutdown.

What honest poll does that? More important (in light of upcoming negotiations), can the Congressional Republicans articulate this very basic argument next time?

In a few months, gov’t funding and the debt-ceiling will be back in the spotlight.

Plan A:

The House GOP should make sure the Senate quickly receives similar defund-delay appropriations bills as went through earlier this month, with a clear message…

No Senate bill will be considered until they first give the House bills an up-or-down vote.

Then push the message that the appropriations process is being held up by Democrats, because they won’t accept O’care themselves, and won’t give individuals a break like they gave the unions, the Congress, the insurance companies, and businesses.

And when the push-polling starts (and you can bet that it will), ask the American people why a Democrat-controlled Senate is afraid to vote on legitimate House bills.

After all, if GOP appropriations are so bad for America, shouldn’t Senate Democrats be just itching to vote them down, so they can proudly brag about it after?

Besides, the House GOP isn’t afraid to reciprocate and vote on Senate legislation.

Or, Plan B:

House Republicans can keep drinking sour ‘polling milk’…and cave once again.

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