Integrity can’t be stolen…only GIVEN AWAY

Respecting any American willing to serve his country militarily is a given.

John McCain served his country, ending up a POW in Vietnam. Being a prisoner of war doesn’t qualify anyone as heroic…serving their country does, which includes millions.

That said, ending a Senate career pushing an unsubstantiated dirt-dossier against a fellow Republican makes him a traitor to his country, by trying to undermine elections.

With all due respect to a daughter who’s lost her dad, John McCain owned the integrity he gave away, out of spite and narcissism; no amount of whitewash covers that act.

Donald Trump has spent the last 3 years fighting established entrenched elites, and he’s not about to allow anyone or anything delegitimizing the 2016 American election.

McCain served his country militarily & senatorially, but that doesn’t inoculate him from such despicable acts as assisting in degrading confidence in our election process.


So, when Meghan McCain claims “My father was his kryptonite in life and his kryptonite in death”, she may want to remember…there’s a huge similarity between ‘kryptonite’…

…and traitorous ankle-biters.

Kryptonite and ankle-biting are applied against the Supermen seen as their Nemesis, by evil-doers and petty detractors, which begs a very significant question…

…does Ms. McCain understand what she implies?

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