Mark Levin, on reparations, channels BlueCollar…

“Mark Levin: ‘I Support’ Dems Paying ‘Reparations’ to Progeny of Slaves”

In our latest BlueCollar posts we noted the Democrat Party is the slavery Party, and if there are to be reparations, that Party – alone – should be the one footing the bill.

We’re pleased to note the Great One, Mark Levin, now agrees with our position.

“The American people, even way back then, didn’t all own slaves. The American people, even way back when, then, weren’t all supportive of slavery. There was a civil war that was fought, fought between two groups – one group, states’ rights and slavery; another group, federalism and anti-slavery. Now, that’s simplistic, but you get the point.

Now which group is which? Did Abraham Lincoln support slavery? No. Did the Republican Party support slavery? Never. Did the Republican Party support segregation? No. Did the Republican Party support Jim Crow laws in the South? No. Was the Klan an appendage of the Republican Party? No, it was an appendage of the Democrat Party. And every major civil rights bill after the civil war, in the 50s and 60s, was opposed by a significant percentage of elected Democrats and supported by a majority, a significant majority of elected Republicans.” (emphasis added)

Right on, Mark.

The Republican Party began in 1854 on an ANTI-SLAVERY platform, and the first Republican President, Lincoln, saw that platform realized…and he died for it. It would be a travesty of justice to have his Party, and his sacrifice, be obligated to reparations.

Let those who OWN the sin pay for the sin.

Let the Democrat reparations check-flow begin.

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