Reparations? Is the DNC ready to write those checks?

Early candidates for the Democrat Party are talking reparations for black Americans ‘affected by slavery’, which brings up a question, since slavery ended in the 1860s.

At the risk of being falsely labelled ‘racist’, we wonder if there’s a black nation that has a greater economic standard, and freedom, for its black population than here in the USA?

If not, how can anyone define better living conditions in America as a bad thing?

That said, there are living black Americans who were hurt by overt racism.

Slavery was an abhorrent, cruel practice, and its victims suffered immensely…and in an ironic twist, it was the Democrat Party trying to extend that practice of keeping the black population down through use of the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and Bull Connor tactics.

It was the Republican Party that formed to END slavery, and fought for black Americans right up to the Civil Rights Act passage, predominantly backed by the GOP in the ’60s.

If anything, the Democrat Party owes reparations to those afflicted, and, typically, it’s now THAT Party – responsible for bad deeds – saying ALL should bear responsibility.

We’re thinking, if there’s honesty in the Left’s cadre of Social Justice Warriors, they’ll own up to their Party’s bad deeds – Tom Steyer, George Soros, start writing checks.

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