There’s only one type of American exceptionalism Democrats believe in…

There’s only one type of American exceptionalism Democrats believe in…

…that exceptionalism which puts them ABOVE the law.

Victor Davis Hanson lays it out at the American Greatness blog, in the aptly named “An Epidemic of Erasures, Redactions, Omissions, and Perjuries.”

Well worth the read.

For most Americans, our Exceptionalism is defined by being the first nation to create a government ‘conceived in Liberty’ and run with the consent of the governed, resulting in a peaceful transfer of power when elections swing from one Party to another.

This concept is twisted and convoluted by the Left, who would have Americans believe we’re a Nation of conceit…that American exceptionalism is merely rampant nationalism.

That’s not true…but the Left never let facts get in the way of their narrative.

The only exceptionalism they’re interested in supporting, is being above the law.

And they’ll take that value to their graves.

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