Was a flawed Hillary candidacy actually a self-preservation tactic for Democrats?

Seriously – considering how criminally flawed Hillary was as a public official, how was it possible to think of her as a serious presidential candidate for a political Party?

EmailGate, UraniumOne, the Clinton Foundation’s glaring pay-for-play all add up to her nomination being more than just a miscalculation, or tone-deaf-to-electorate strategy.

But, when one stops to think of all the elitist angst over any thought of the unheard of action of an opposition Party revisiting criminal activity, suspicion rears its ugly head.

We’re told that only banana republic, 3rd world countries exact political retribution post-elections…as if that’s reason enough to allow known felonious behavior to be forgiven.

Time will tell if that tactic works, given the obvious laws that were broken, and given the stature of those involved – up to and including then-occupants of the White House.

It’s hard to believe that long-time political strategists and rock-ribbed political leaders would be dumb enough to think such a flawed person could win an election, but then, it seems huge demographic groups have been successfully duped for many decades.

Either way, she’d get elected and they would be safe…

…or she loses, and banana-republic hysterics would make sure they’d be safe.

After all – no one wants their Nation seen as a 3rd world country, right?

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